Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

Used the term artificial intelligence for the first time in 1955, and is known as "the scientific understanding of the mechanisms of thinking implicit and intelligent behavior and included in the Machine," it argues important sometimes to the artificial intelligence in order to be very logical, and sometimes you need to artificial intelligence to think and act according to the wishes of Rights, It aims to develop artificial intelligence systems that can perform logical functions and act according to the wishes of the rights together.

Applications: artificial intelligence is used in many fields, and will have a greater importance in the future, when the computer plays the game of chess, it looks for hundreds of thousands of potential movements before it selects the best movement.

Uses artificial intelligence is to know the sound; so allows communication using mobile phones without the use of hands, and the completion of the transactions over the phone interactive, but they are not quite able yet to understand the language that addresses the device fully and accurately, but that in itself is a target in future.

The three-dimensional vision in the computer one of the other future applications to simulate sensory input and human behavior, computers need to draw a three-dimensional reality, rather than two-dimensional images.

Progress has been made in this area, but yet still human brain is much better than computers in this area and with the improvement of vision may be able to artificial intelligence to control the movement of vehicles on the ground, or makes robots mechanism able to explore the cookie another without having to astronauts space.

Uses artificial intelligence also to set up computer systems expert programmed knowledge on specific topics; where the places of the human that tells the computer the details of a particular case, and then the computer calculates the course of action most logical, and can use the systems expert in the medical field for diagnosis of disorders with high accuracy; where artificial intelligence comparing and balancing the facts about the case, and then infer the most appropriate procedures, however, the artificial intelligence works only with the facts provided by the computer, computer users must be aware of these restrictions permanent expert systems.

Occupations: The study of mathematics and mathematical logic and computer programming languages ​​is important for the development of systems that can make rational decisions, and psychology emphasizes that these decisions can take a human face.

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